PoliticsPo|li|tik [gr.-fr.-] die; -, -en: 1. auf die Durchsetzung bes. Ziele im staatlichen Bereich u. auf die Gestaltung des öffentlichen Lebens gerichtetes Handeln von Regierungen, Parlamenten, Parteien, Organisationen o. ä. 2. berechnendes, zielgerichtetes Verhalten, Vorgehen. (Duden, Fremdwörterbuch, 5. Auflage 1990) |
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Parent: | Business |
How people use phpWebSite pollsupdated by rck, 2005-12-04
![]() I've analyzed 49 sites running the phpWebSite WCMS. I've taken a look at how the site owners use the polls, especially what kind of questions they are polling and how successful they are in doing so. |
Google defends Bombingupdated by rck, 2005-09-18
![]() ...and by bombing I don't mean bombing Iraq. No, the term Google Bombing actually refers to something else, spamming Google by doing lots of links with a given anchor text. In a recent post of the Google Blog, the major player of the search engine market itself defends this practice. It's reflecting the current opinion on the Internet and thus needs to be respected, they write in an article to be remembered. |
Austrian Toilet Artupdated by rck, 2005-03-21
Fighting fire with fireupdated by rck, 2005-03-12
Congratulations, Mr. Bushupdated by rck, 2004-11-07
Austria celebrates it's 49th national dayupdated by rck, 2006-03-26
On this earth, whose population wants to reach the moon and conquer the infinite space, on this earth, of which occupants go to war somewhere all the time, on this earth that has a thousand million children, of which 750 million cannot be nutured well enough, on this earth, on which some million humans die every year because of starvation, on this earth there is a country -- it's just a small piece of the world map -- which is called Austria. Millions of people think, Austria is Australia. Still, Austria had some meaning for the world and still has. |
Wickeltische. For gentsupdated by rck, 2004-10-10
Alternative Plakate zur EU-Wahl 2004updated by rck, 2004-06-02
die Standard.atupdated by rck, 2004-05-23
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